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RHAM Youth Baseball

RHAM Youth Baseball

Division Details

Tee Ball 5/6Tee-Ball is an instructional league for ages 4 & 5 introducing throwing, fielding and hitting a ball and the fun of playing on a team. Before every simulated game, children will work with their coaches on these basic fundamentals.  Players hit a softer ball from a batting tee.  Typically one practice and one game per week.
 Rookie 7/8Rookie League is designed for ages 7 & 8 as the last instructional league before organized, competitive play.  A hard baseball is used with teaching stations at practices and prior to games to fine tune throwing and hitting mechanics.  During the game, coaches are permitted on the field to pitch to their own rosters and reinforce defensive positions in the field.  During the second half of the season, player-to-player pitching will be permitted. There may be All Star selections for summer tournament play.Typically one practice and one game per week.

 Minors9/10Minors, designed for ages 9 & 10, is the first level of competitive baseball, although the focus continues to be on instruction and teaching the foundations of the game.  There are required play time regulations, a running batting order, and timed games.  A hard baseball is used, and there is player-to-player pitching.  This league introduces competitive play, and recognizes a league champion after an intra-league post-season playoff. There are also All Star selections for local, state and regional tournament play.Typically, 1 to 2 practices and 1 to 2 games per week.
 Majors 11/12Majors, designed for ages 11 & 12, is a competitive league for the players with the highest skill levels.  A hard ball is used.  There are regulated substitutions, a running batting order but games are six innings in length.   A league champion is recognized after a post season, intra-league playoff.  There are also All Star selections for local, state and regional tournament play.Typically, 1 to 2 practices and 1 to 2 games per week.
 13/16 Junior / Seniors , designed for ages 13-16, is a competitive league for the players with a high skill level.  A hard ball is used.  This is a players first introduction to a full sized baseball diamond.  This division has more advanced rules than the younger divisions, such as the ability to  lead-off, pick-off and steal as the pitcher breaks.Typically, 1 to 2 practices and 1 to 2 games per week.


RHAM Youth Baseball
Hebron CT 
Hebron, Connecticut 06248

Email: [email protected]

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